Beau Peep Notice Board > Outpourings

Beau Peep pops up in the strangest of places...


The Peepmaster:
Funnily enough, I can't see any connection with the strip anywhere.

Malky McGookin:
It's that third world tendency to grab an established "brand" and use it as a masthead.
It's most evident in the use of "Jesus" as a first name in South America, but also in sports. For instance Brazilians in particular eschew their own given names for single names like Socrates.

This guy in India is obviously highly intelligent, has a great command of English and appreciates the pun "Beau Peep" on a whole new intellectual level.

The Peepmaster:
One thing I've found since running this site is the large number of ardent Beau Peep fans there are in India. I think the strip ran (or maybe still runs) in the Times of India. Roger will know.  ::)

Indians seem to "get" Brit humour. Legacy of the Raj, I reckon, and you know how popular that was.

Roger Kettle:
I think the strip still runs in India but perhaps not in The Times. I was once sent a clip from an Indian paper which analysed the content and "wisdom" of Beau Peep, quoting The Nomad and others. It was a flattering but extremely short article.


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